Wednesday, February 26, 2025


All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Sometimes I feel I need to tell some truths. It is a fact that people do not understand what we try to say.
Some incidents in life change our perceptions and challenge our peace of mind for a long time. I have come across with one such incident. Partially I should be blamed because I was not aware of such tricks and tactics exist to fool people with such make believe propaganda. Our heart and mind turn numb for a while to recover from that shock and only the strongest of strong can withstand that destructive storm. Thankfully I have overcome that now no one can manipulate me with the way they want.
Thankfully I have mastered the art of ignoring those people who constantly bully me in social media. Initially I was worried not getting connected there but it is a place of no interest to me now. It never fascinates me norI wish to be there in the social platform. I turned more creative in my thinking and I work on ideas which fascinate me. I notice those who try to drag me into arguments and I know it is done with a certain purpose of destroying my peace. When I post in social media I see a kind of counter postings by malignant minds and I think it needs to be stopped as I need no validation from them in the first place
I have to tell you this. It is a fact I know that you are a person with a lot of goodness in your heart. It is a fact that the proof I hold on that is endorsed by a universal power. But it is also a fact that occasionally you have made some heartless inhuman conspiracies against me that in fact resulted in your downfall. My guiding divine force endorsed even that...
I had this human like doubt that whether all this a conspiracy or not but my guiding divine said otherwise. Due to human shortcomings, I did not believe it or take it in its own merit. I felt a kind of unbearable stress on me always and i somehow wanted to escape from the disturbing outer circle.
Later, when I tried to show courage through poetry amidst many personal sorrows, the way your army haunted me is beyond my tolerance level. I learned the art of ignoring them however it was difficult.
What is after all this.., love, concern? The innocent love we feel for those who show us kindness. Why it is all messed up with a lot of possessive greed and jealousy. Why such devastating feelings should come in between goodness and concern. I hear a kind of emotional blackmail, brain draining speeches to remind me of a love. Was it there or not? Certainly there some sparks of truth from the universe I heard but I was not convinced of a masked entity with no name or identity which y which showed no respect to my whole existence while disappearing.
One thing I know is that a few hire human army to destroy our peace where the goodness we keep in our mind is enough to block such attacks. When you overdo things to cause me pain there will be a divine interference from the goodness I hold in my heart. That goodness can outshine your any number of paid platoons.
Instead of challenging my simple entity you may please challenge your ego and polish your self to become a better human. Try to be better version of yourself instead of hiring immature paid up artists to showcase you as a small minded human being.
I know, no one needs any validation from others but your paid up army keeps on validating me and even I do not need their validation as I know from within I am a good human being.
